Thursday, November 28, 2019

The ghost of Christmas present Essay Example

The ghost of Christmas present Paper In Stave 3, which presents the second of the three spirits, The ghost of Christmas present, Scrooge tells the spirit that he has learnt from the last ghost. I went forth last night on compulsion and I learnt a lesson. Scrooge wants to be taught from this ghost as well. He wants to change his ways. Tonight if you ought to reach me, let me profit by it. Scrooge wants to learn and he shows signs that he wants to change. Notably in this stave, Scrooge questions the spirit about the health of tiny Tim. Scrooge asks the spirit this question with an interest he had never felt before. The reply to Scrooge is negative and Scrooge pleads to the ghost to spare his life. He feels that he does not pay Bob Cratchit enough money. The spirit uses Scrooges words If he be like to die he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. This suggests that tiny Tim will soon die. Scrooge is then overcome with penitence and grief. Dickens then presents a poor familys Christmas to his readers. The Cratchit family do not have a lot, but what they do have they make the most of. The food they have at the table for Christmas dinner is not nearly enough to feed them all properly. We will write a custom essay sample on The ghost of Christmas present specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The ghost of Christmas present specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The ghost of Christmas present specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The goose was cheap, which indicates it was small. Mrs Cratchit is wearing a twice turned gown but brave in ribbons which are cheap. All these are examples of how poor the Cratchits are, but they are generous and loving to each other and Bob Cratchit even tries to thank his harsh employer for the holiday in a toast to Mr Scrooge. Scrooge has been visited by two of the three spirits now. The reader senses that he has learnt a lot and his personality is beginning to change for good. Stave 4 The final spirit the ghost of Christmas yet to come appears in stave 4. He is described as a phantom and was shrouded in a deep black garment, much like the Grim Reaper. The atmosphere in this stave is extremely dark, especially at the beginning. The ghost is also mysterious and unlike the other ghosts. This one doesnt speak which adds mystery. Also much like Scrooge, it spreads coldness. This spirit is dark in contrast to the first two, who were bright. We sense that Scrooge is on the road to repentance, but he has not yet transformed himself. Scrooge wants to know if he can change his future, or whether he has already made the chains he will carry in his afterlife. Some businessmen talk about Scrooges death for a short time with no real care. They soon change the subject. This shows that nobody cares if Scrooge is alive or dead. Dickens makes it clear that it is Scrooges death they are discussing, but until the end of the stave, Scrooge is shown as not realising that he is witnessing the events after his own death. Later, the spirit shows Scrooge that people were stealing his belongings while he was lying on his bed, dead. One woman stole his best shirt when he was lying dead and another stole his curtains. When they sell these items Scrooges reactions show how much he is affected. The spirit then takes Scrooge to a dead body and a graveyard. Scrooge is then faced with his dead body and his gravestone. Scrooge takes to this very badly and starts to plead with the ghost, I am not the man I was. I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse. Why show me this if I am past all hope? This shows that Scrooges personality has changed a lot and is continuing to change. He knows he must keep this personality or he will die with a chain. I will not shut out the lessons they teach. He will not forget what the spirits have taught him. Stave 5 starts with Scrooge waking up in his bed. He is very jolly and merry. He then opens his window and cries out to the world, A merry Christmas to everybody! A happy new year to all the world! This is a big contrast compared with stave 1 where Scrooges nephew says Merry Christmas to him and Scrooge replied bah humbug. This shows a complete change in Scrooges personality. Scrooge starts his new ways by buying the biggest turkey he can and sending it to Bob Cratchit and his family. This is a big change from when Scrooge argued with Bob about having a day off on Christmas day. The boy who Scrooge asked to buy the turkey for him was the carol singer that came to Scrooges door in stave 1 and Scrooge scared him off with a ruler, but in stave 5 he gave the boy at least a shilling extra to keep. Later that day he met the portly gentlemen who asked him for a donation to charity in stave 1. This time Scrooge gave them a very generous donation. This shows that Scrooges happiness isnt based on wealth anymore and he is much more sharing and giving. Scrooge then remembers his nephews invitation for Christmas dinner. He is quite nervous, which is a feeling that we havent seen Scrooge have before. He then had to pluck up his courage to go and knock on the door. He went into the room where Fred was and asked permission to come in. Fred jumped up and shook his hand. This shows that even the worst person can be forgiven. Scrooge is at home in a matter of minutes. This is a remarkable change in Scrooge he now appreciates Christmas. The next morning Scrooge is working and Bob Cratchit comes in late. Scrooge growls, hallo Bob then starts apologising. Scrooge then makes it seem like he is going to fire Bob but instead he raises his salary. This also shows that Scrooges happiness doesnt revolve around wealth anymore. It also says in the book that tiny Tim did not die and Scrooge became a second father to him. Scrooge helps other people and charities. He talks to people in the street and becomes a cheerful man. This is a change from stave 1 where people avoided him in the street and even a blind mans dog stayed away from him. Conclusion In conclusion, the novel carries a powerful message both to Dickenss original Victorian readers and to us today. It shows us that Christmas is not just about opening presents, but is about being with family and friends who love us and having a jolly time with them. Whereas today people only seem to worry about what they get for Christmas. Perhaps Dickens A Christmas Carol still has a valuable message for us all. It is about our responsibility towards those who are less fortunate. Dickens wanted Victorian society to be transformed not just his character Scrooge. There is a clear resemblance between the deformed children ignorance and want and the starving children we see in ages of today. Overall this novel clearly has relevance to todays society

Monday, November 25, 2019

The rise and fall of the famous Kommune 1

The rise and fall of the famous Kommune 1 Like in many other parts of the world, in Germany, the youths of the 60s seemed to be the first political generation. For many leftist activists, the generation of their parents was conventional and conservative. The Woodstock-like way of life that originated in the USA was a phenomenon in this era. Also, in the young West German republic, there was a wide movement of students and young academics who tried to break the rules of the so-called establishment. One of the biggest and best-known experiments in this time was the Kommune 1, the first German politically motivated commune.   The idea of establishing a commune with political issues first came up in the late 60s with the SDS, the Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund, a socialist movement among students, and the Munich Subversive Action, a radical leftist group of activists. They discussed the ways to destroy the hated establishment. For them, the whole German society had been conservative and narrow-minded. Their ideas often appeared very radical and one-sided, just like the one they made about the concept of the commune. For the members of this group, the traditional nuclear family was the origin of fascism and, therefore, had to be destroyed. For those left activists, the nuclear family was seen as the smallest cellâ€Å" of the state where the oppression and the institutionalism originated. Besides, the dependence of men and women in one of those families would prevent both from developing themselves in a proper manner. The deduction of this theory was to establish a commune where everybody would only satisfy his or her own needs. The members should be interested in themselves and just live the way they like without any oppression. The group found a suitable apartment for their project: the author’s Hans Markus Enzensberger in Berlin Friedenau. Not all of those who helped to develop the idea moved in. Rudi Dutschke, for example, one of the best-known leftist activists in Germany, preferred to live with his girlfriend instead of really living out the idea of the Kommune 1. Whilst the famous progressive thinkers denied joining the project, nine men and women and one child moved there in 1967. To fulfill their dream of a life without any prejudices, they started with telling each other their biographies. Soon, one of them became something like a leader and patriarch and made the commune let down everything that would be a security like savings in money or food. Also, the idea of privacy and property was abolished in their commune. Everybody could do whatever he or she wanted as long as it happened among others. Besides all that, the first years of the Kommune 1 were very political and radical. Its members planned and made several political actions and acts of provocation in order to fight the state and the establishment. For example, they planned to throw pie and pudding at the vice president of the United States during his visit to West Berlin. Also, they appreciated the arson attacks in Belgium, which made them be more and more observed and even infiltrated by the German interior intelligence agency. Their special way of life was not only controversial among conservatives but also among leftist groups. The Kommune 1 was soon known for its very provocative and also egocentric actions and a hedonistic lifestyle. Also, many groupies came to the Kommune, which has moved inside of West Berlin many times. This soon also changed the commune itself and the way the members dealt with each other. While they were living in an abandoned fabric hall, they soon limited their actions to matters of sex, drugs, and more egocentrism. In particular, Rainer Langhans became famous for his open relationship with the model Uschi Obermaier. (Watch a documentary about them). Both sold their stories and photos to the German media and became iconic for free love. Nevertheless, they also had to witness how their housemates became more and more addicted to heroin and other drugs. Also, the tensions between the members became obvious. Some of the members were even kicked out of the commune. With the decline o f the idealistic way of living, the commune was raided by a gang of rockers. This was one of many steps that led to the end of this project in 1969. Besides all the radical ideas and egocentric manners, Kommune 1 is still idealized among some sectors of the German public. The idea of free love and an open-minded hippie lifestyle is still fascinating for many people. But after all these years, it seems that capitalism has just reached the former activists. Rainer Langhans, the iconic hippie, appeared on the TV show Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus in 2011. Nevertheless, the myth of Kommune 1 and its members still lives on.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysing organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Analysing organisation - Essay Example The underlying interests of the readings were to present men in their true character and substance, and further evaluate the effect of that on organizations in terms of work and management. Gendered power relations are becoming critical to consider in the contemporary organizational setting. Organizations are overly becoming interested in defining men and their masculine identities. It has been noted that men are neglecting their fellow men in organizations, prompting the debate of actual men identity. Research and development in various fields of study is focusing on masculinities. There are crucial aspects to address in the underlying studies, meaning that the readings have a point to put across. Naming of men in organizations, workplaces and in management roles is a crucial aspect that is and continues to influence gendered power relations. The need to account for multiple masculinities is the basis of analysing men in organizations. There are a number of conceptual difficulties highlighted in the readings, prior to naming as men. These are: exclusion, differences, meaning and power (Collinson & Hearn, 1994, p.8-10). These problems are relevant to address, especially when it comes to the bid of addressing problems associated with masculinity discourses. There is no doubt that the highlighted masculinity discourses remain highly observe in organizations. These discourses of masculinity are: authoritarianism, paternalism, entrepreneurialism, informalism and careerism (Collinson & Hearn, 1994, p.13). Analysing men and further defining them as men will critically integrate these discourses into gendered power relations, striking a balance between men and women in organizations, work and management. Contemporary organizations are embracing modernity, and are therefore sensitive to gender issues. Gender disparities especially in workplaces and organizations have been evident

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Computer History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer History - Term Paper Example The classification is based on certain periods of time the computers was improved during. Every generation is characterized by the new invention. The first period is 1937 – 1946. It is characterized by the creation of the first computer. It was electronic digital devise created by Clifford Berry and John V. Atanasoff. The machine was named after its creators - Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC). Certainly, this computer and other machines created in its image and likeness were not perfect, they could not perform complicated tasks and had no operating system. There is an interesting fact that when one of the first computers was switched on, the nearby regions were out of power for some time. The second period lasted from 1947 till 1962. During this period the computers were improved as vacuum tubes was changed for transistors. These computers were already used in the business world and there were many programming languages created for them. Computers became powerful and capable of performing different tasks at once. Third generation is 1963-present. It is characterized the by the creation of integrated circuit. This improvement made the computers more compact, gave them more power and hundreds of different functions including the availability to run several programs at once. Microsoft Disk Operating System was developed in 1980 and the operating system Windows that is used now was born in 1990s. In 1980 Japanese experts created a ten-year plan. They planned to develop the new generation of computers with new functions. â€Å"This was an interesting plan for two reasons. Firstly, it is not at all really clear what the fourth generation is, or even whether the third generation had finished yet. Secondly, it was an attempt to define a generation of computers before they had come into existence. The main requirements of the 5G machines was that they incorporate the features of Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Natural Language† (Mannell). The pl an was promising because it was aimed at producing computers with certain capacities. Japanese experts wanted new computers to be able to perform the tasks, which humans can perform. They were planned to be able to learn and communicate with people. These functions are especially interesting and beneficial for linguists. Though these goals have not been reached yet, constant development of computers makes it possible to reach them in future. Speaking about computers it is impossible not to mention parallel computing. It is an idea aimed at improving computers’ capacity. At the beginning all the computers were serial with only one processor, however then it was decided to invent computers with several processors as they would be able to perform several tasks at once more efficiently and the programs would run faster. â€Å"Having multiple processors does not necessarily mean that parallel computing will work automatically. The operating system must be able to distribute progr ams between the processors (eg. recent versions of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X can do this). An individual program will only be able to take advantage of multiple processors if the computer language it's written in is able to distribute tasks within a program between multiple processors. For example, OpenMP supports parallel programming in Fortran and C/C++† (Mannell). The constant improvement of a computer made it perfect and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Litteracy narritve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Litteracy narritve - Essay Example Hence, this paper explores how my impression on reading and writing have been influenced and affected by reading the Sherlock Holmes stories. First, through Sherlock Holmes stories I learned how to read and write in English. English is not my first language, and thus, I had to learn English as I was growing up. My greatest breakthrough in English was in high school when I discovered Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. For instance, my interest in understanding fully the detective stories prompted me to improve my vocabulary. Initially, I was only able to read the shorter stories such as â€Å"A Scandal in Bohemia† and â€Å"The Red Headed League.† However, these did not have Sherlock Holmes, as the very first story Doyle wrote where he introduced Sherlock is A Study in Scarlet, which is a novella-length work. I first read the opening chapters of A Study in Scarlet just to see how Sherlock and Dr. Watson meet. However, the story really intrigued me, and I could not wait to finish the whole narrative. To ensure full understanding, I would often read the story with a dictionary, looking up difficult words that I wo uld encounter. For example, one particular part of A Study in Scarlet describes Sherlock playing the fiddle, and that the music he played was â€Å"sonorous and melancholy† (Doyle 16). I distinctly remember ignoring these words during my first reading attempt of A Study in Scarlet, but I eventually looked at the definitions in the dictionary when I made a serious attempt to finish the novella. Thus, I was able to expand my vocabulary, which made me realize how reading literary work in a particular language is helpful in improving reading and writing in that language. Second, from the Sherlock Holmes stories I learnt the importance of logical organization and unity in a written work. A large part of what makes the detective genre so interesting is not only the mysteries, but also, how these mysteries are solved. While some of

Friday, November 15, 2019

The future of cloud computing in malaysia

The future of cloud computing in malaysia In this day and age, cloud computing is a hot topic anywhere across the nation and Malaysia is not to be left behind. Therefore, since the effects of cloud computing are said to be enormous, this research study will cover few objectives in order to examine the future of cloud computing in Malaysia through distinguishing the classification or types of cloud computing, analyzing its potentiality, identifying its pros and cons and its security measures. Nonetheless, before the term Cloud computing is further discussed, it is briefly explained as a web-based technology whereby a number of data are hosted and managed through the internet and web to support business process. IT professionals are adapting to this technology in order to get in line with the fast growing new era of technology nowadays. Compared to the previous technology, this advance revolution of cloud computing is claimed to be very much cost and time saving. However, while cloud computing is on the rise there are many questions raised by various companies considering our current use of information technology. They are particularly the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, its future potentials and risks and whether the organization across the nation should adapt or acquire cloud computing. Recently, as cited by President and CEO of Mimos, Datuk Abdul Wahab Abdullah in The Star Online (Monday July 13, 2009), Cloud computing is the next logical step in ICT (information and communications technology), Further more he stated that With a headstart in our involvement in its research, we will be on par with other countries in cloud computing and Malaysia will be able to reap the benefits as an early adopter. This shows the interest of participation towards the technology of computing in the clouds which has become a hype talks in forums and website among the IT professionals and CEOs anywhere around the globe nowadays. The terms used for this research paper includes SaaS which refer to an acronym for Software as a Service and PaaS which refer to an acronym for Platform as a Service. According to an online journal of Cloud Computing and SOA (, PaaS is defined as a platform delivered as a service which can run web services and applications, and which is an abstraction from the infrastructure underneath. PaaS if difference from a normal platform in that PaaS does not require knowledge or care about the underlying infrastructures hardware or software. In addition, it stated that cloud services means cloud computing functionality offered such as storage, processing and so forth. In other words, cloud computing is claimed to be able to replace the current IT trend of running software services and applications and utility services as the extra attached services which are executed in the cloud platforms developed by the developer. According to Moore Hebeler(2009) i n the journal Computing in the Clouds cloud applications can be created through two major implementation which are the Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Google Application Engine (GAE). There are few different definitions used for cloud computing or also known as computing in the cloud. In this research paper, the different definitions are explored in order to get better overview of its terms and use as well as to devise a definition use for cloud computing. First, according to an online article on Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and systems software in the datacenters that provide those services. The services themselves have long been referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS), so we use that term. The datacenter hardware and software is what we will call a Cloud. Meanwhile, according to an online journal on IBM cloud computing (, Cloud computing is a term used to describe both a platform and type of application. A cloud computing platform dynamically provisions, configures, reconfigures, and deprovisions servers as needed. Third, according to an online article on by Rich Trenholm, on An introduction to cloud computing (,), The cloud represents the Internet: Instead of using software installed on your computer or saving data to your hard drive, youre working and storing stuff on the Web, in cyberspace. Data is kept on servers run by the service youre using, and tasks are performed in your browser using an interface provided by the service. As a summary based on the three different definitions of clouds computing, cloud computing is actually mostly defined in the different sources however similarities among the definition exists. The similarities are critically reviewed in this research topic whereby the cloud computing may bring about major change in our information technology industry. The questions which might arise based on the reviews are in terms of the pros and cons concerning to the risks and security measure that cloud computing can provide to users and organization. This is because as cited earlier, saving all the data and working and storing them on the web or cyberspace can be very time saving whether by individuals or the whole business organization but then this is also depend whether the data are kept on the servers safely or they might also exposed to the hackers and crackers. Hence, for example having to purchase installation software for individual might not be obviously costly, but in a larger unit su ch as an organization with hundreds of staffs, eliminating the cost for installation software and its maintenance would make a great difference in reducing the yearly budgets. Nonetheless, according to another source from an online article on Above the Clouds (, a Cloud is made available in a pay-as-you-go manner to the general public, we call it a Public Cloud; the service being sold is Utility Computing. We use the term Private Cloud to refer to internal datacenters of a business or other organization, not made available to the general public. Thus, Cloud Computing is the sum of SaaS and Utility Computing, but does not include Private Clouds. People can be users or providers of SaaS, or users or providers of Utility Computing. In addition, according to an online journal on Cloud computing and SOA ( utility computing is the broad definition of supplying computing resources as telephoning is supplied while cloud computing is a more specific technological term for a specific supply method of the computing resources. In relation to the technology pay-as- you-go manner term provided in the cloud computing cited earlier, it refers to the use of service of SaaS and PaaS used at that particular time only. Next, there are pros and cons of acquiring cloud computing. Despite the advantages offered by cloud computing, the advantages do exist too which cause organization or companies might refuse to adopt into cloud computing for their particular needs According to an online journal on Cloud Computing To be or Not to be (, the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing can be illustrated as the following diagrams of benefits and challenges or issue of cloud computing. Benefits of Cloud Computing According to in the article Inside Cloud Computing, MacVittie (2009) states that cloud computing is the infrastructure and model of deployment that defines whether something is or is not cloud computing. Hence, based on the diagram Benefits of Cloud Computingcited from an online journal on Cloud Computing To be or Not to be (, there are eight benefits illustrated with its level of importance. The most important level of benefit is Easy/fast to deploy which indicate the percentage of more than half. This shows that besides offering latest functionality that is fifty percent of the importance level cloud computing can provide, the highest ranking of benefit involve the most time saved to increase productivity and performance of participating organization. For instance in Malaysia, the MIMOS president and chief executive officer, Dato Abdul Wahab Abdullah (, states that the creation of dynamic cloud services from our collaboration has the potential to enrich, even transform, the everyday lives of the general public in Malaysia. Challenges of Cloud Computing Nevertheless, there are many challenges and issues which arise in accordance the cloud computing technology. Hence, to in the article Inside Cloud Computing, MacVittie (2009) states that its a very scary scenario when you consider that shared resources necessary mean shared security risks. Therefore, as illustrated in the diagram Challenges of Cloud computing cited from an online journal on Cloud Computing To be or Not to be (, there are nine challenges or issues illustrated with its level of significance. The security shows the most insignificance of nearly seventy five percent. The security of data is essentially important to any organization no matter what their business backgrounds are. For instance, as cloud computing is about keep data on a web based, when it comes to security of data in a country such as in Malaysia, the country wont be able to risk even a little of the confidential data within a country such as citizenship and monetary banking reco rds to be exposed to computer crimes such as hacking. Meanwhile the following table shows another way of contrasting between the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing through the obstacles and opportunities for Growth of Cloud Computing as quoted in the online journal Cloud Computing To be or Not to be ( As a summary, there are no exact measure to determine whether cloud computing bring more harm than good in a small or large business organization. According to an online journal (http://www.CloudPlatform/Chappell.pdf), Chappel mentions according cloud computing pros and cons that An organization can investigate the current status quo for and assess whether the control issues for cloud computing are problematic for the intended uses of cloud computing. Also, Chappel states Cloud computing might be an improvement of security instead of a deterioration compared to the current situation. Therefore it is mainly the responsibility of each organization such as HP collaboration with MIMOS in Malaysia that the risks associated with the participating in cloud computing and analyze the level of importance and significance of acquiring cloud computing to improve their companys performance and productivity whether in short or a long term basis not to mention also considering possibility of the r isks of cost and large investments in resources of the organization. Next, in examining the future of cloud computing in Malaysia, as cited in an online journal on Malaysian Government Pushes Cloud Computing (, MIMOS president and chief executive officer, Dato Abdul Wahab Abdullah states The cloud is the next stage in the evolution of the Internet, the means through which everything will be delivered to you as a service, from computing power to business processes to personal interactions, wherever, however, and whenever you need it, he said. This collaboration provides the opportunity to place Malaysia on the cloud computing research community world map. According to the online journal, the MIMOS president and CEO shows positive feedback to support participation in implementing cloud computing. Additionally to the cited journal, MIMOS president and chief executive officer, Dato Abdul Wahab Abdullah mentions I am confident MIMOS and HP will be able to elevate research done in Malaysia to a world-class level. More importantly, the creation of dynamic cloud services from our collaboration has the potential to enrich, even transform, the everyday lives of the general public in Malaysia, he said. MIMOS gets to contribute to world-class research and provide our local research community with a platform to collaborate with the global community, he explained. Then he stated that Malaysia has made major strides in advancing ICT development in the country with the establishment of MSC Malaysia and the ministry of science, technology and innovations emphasis on advanced technology RD and building a knowledge society. Cloud computing is the next step To compile with, on the contrary to the positive feedback by the CEO of MIMOS, an article in STAR newspaper oinline ( states that security and privacy concerns have been raised over a multimillion-dollar proposal by Los Angeles to tap Google Incs Internet-based services for government e-mail, police records and other confidential data. Also, Cloud computing is the storing of data and computer applications online rather than on individual computers under a companys or government agencys direct control. The shift toward doing more over the Web could make it much easier for hackers to gain access to corporate or government files. As reviewed in earlier on disadvantages of cloud computing, the security issues have always been debated in order to ensure firm security of the organizations data. Hence, the future of cloud computing in Malaysia, should have a firm secure coding as an absolute requirement for cloud computing as a wide variety of application on the network security later in the cloud computing infrastructure. Only then, the risks can be minimized for the stability of its participation in cloud computing. As a conclusion to this research study on The Future of Cloud Computing in Malaysia, cloud computing can have a great influence on the way organization works. As a result, despite the limited scope of this research study, the implications of implementing cloud computing in Malaysia should be put into high consideration as computing in the clouds may cause enormous impact even though it brings a new era of IT technology to people. Furthermore, it is crucial to analyze critically all the possibilities of pros and cons as at times cloud computing might not always meet the organizations expectation. Bibliography 1 Gulrajani, N.G. Bowler, D.B. (February 2009), Software Development in the Cloud, Dr. Dobbs Journal, vol., no. 416, pp. 14,27. 2 (July 2007), Cloud Computing To be or Not to be. Available from: Nanyang Technological University, HPC and Cloud Computing, Sun Microsystems, Inc. Web site: [Accessed: June 6, 2009]. 3 Miller (7 March 2008), Are You Ready for Computing in the Cloud?. Available from:,. Web site: [Accessed: July 27, 2009]. 4 Armbrust, M.A., Fox, A.F. Griffith, R.G. (10 February 2009), Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing. Available from: University of California at Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Web site: [Accessed: July 21, 2009]. 5 Mertz, M.M. Gryning, M.R. (20 March 2009), Cloud Computing and SOA. Available from: University of California at Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Web site: [Accessed: April 19, 2009]. 6 HP, Mimos seeding cloud computing research. Available from: University of California at Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Web site: [Accessed: July 28, 2009].

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Its Time to Declare English the Official Language Essay -- Argumentat

It's Time to Declare English the Official Language "In no way would having English as the official language intrude upon anyone's private life, business, or day-to-day living. Official English applies only to the conduct of government business." -S.I. Hayakawa America today is a melting pot of different societies. Everywhere, in every city and in every state, there are Germantowns, and Chinatowns, and Greektowns. America has certainly developed into one big multicultural society. With the many different cultures, come the many different languages as well. When a person imagines the language of the United States, naturally most believe that English is the national language. America, however, does not have an official language. According to the Center of Immigration Studies, more than 300 languages are currently spoken in the United States (U.S. Bureau of the Census). Immigration in the United States is a positive event that cannot be altered no matter what actions are taken against it. Immigration, in fact, has many positive influences upon this great nation. With the positive effects on this country also come the harmful effects. If America wants to continue to live harmoniously with the multitude of different cultures, the first step wo uld be to make English the official language of the United States of America. Today, 1.9 billion people speak the English language; more than one-third of humanity (U.S. Bureau of the Census). English is also the national language of many countries- countries with a multiple of different cultures- including India and several populous countries in Africa. People in those countries use English to conduct common and o... ...for our flag. It was not easy, but they did it; the beautiful thing was we were united. A World War I Veteran told me that when he came to this country from Poland, he did not speak a word of English, nor did his parents. He said he learned English and spoke it well enough to get by. â€Å"This is America,† he said, â€Å"and it is only right to honor its language.† When asked if he felt if his love and pride for his own country had faltered, he gave a stern â€Å"no.† English is the language of freedom, commerce and opportunity around the world. Declaring English the official language of the United States of America will honestly do no harm. In the end, only positive effects could come out of the measure because the day-to-day lives of a common citizen would rarely be altered. Declaring English the national language is the right and honorable thing to do. Now let's do it.